Monday, December 04, 2006
The "J.D." stands for juris duticus, which is Latin for "one who serves jury duty." Or in my case, doesn't. Yup, so far the extent of my first ever jury duty has been to call the number on the summons only to be told not to show up. Three more days of this and I will have officially served my country as a worthwhile and participating citizen. Now I just need to register to vote...I'm actually pretty bummed they haven't had a need for my service. I mean, what could be better than getting paid full salary to sit and listen to a trial. It's got to be at least as interesting as my current job, but moreso because it's different. There would probably be some semi-attractive ladies to ogle, which would be a large improvement over my place of employment.
Besides, I'd like to see the inner workings of our penal system (shut up, Booter). Mom has worked for lawyers my entire life, yet I have never seen a real trial in a real court. Plus, this way I would have something to talk about with my law school friends. Lord knows they don't want to talk about engineering with me, but I figure if I make the effort, who knows? Maybe they'll reciprocate. I'm not holding my breath, though.
You can come watch me in trial. It can be PAINFULLY boring. Seriously.
I almost had a heart attack when I saw that "J.D.". Thanks for keeping up with posting, I need a distraction around finals time. I think you might have dodged a bullet, the novelty of the law wears off quickly. Plus, from experience, chairs in a courtroom are REALLY uncomfortable.
Alas, any bullet dodging I might have been doing ended abruptly tonight, when the automated lady voice on the phone told me to arrive tomorrow morning promptly at 8am. Awesome.
Lizett - If the chairs are indeed uncomfortable, I'm coming after you.
Megan - I'm assuming your trials are boring for some other reason than the fact that they're yours. You at least have crazy red hair for the jurors to stare at. :-)
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