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Sporting Bads

Thursday, November 30, 2006

A new shopping center just opened up here in El Segundo and there's a Chick's Sporting Goods store in it. I've never heard of Chick's before, but I have heard of Dick's Sporting Goods which is a huge chain back in the Midwest.

Of course, I began to ponder to similar names and this question popped in my head. If Chick's Sporting Goods merged with Dick's Sporting Goods, would it be called "Chicks with Dicks Sporting Goods?"

Author: Goat » Comments:

I can't find my eff-ing phone

I can't find my eff-ing phone. I took it to work this morning, and now I have no idea where it is. I know I took it to work this morning because I succintly remember coming running back up the stairs this morning because I had forgotten said phone and my sunglasses. After that, I have no recollection of seeing my phone at all.

So maybe it didn't make it to work at all. Maybe it escaped out of my pocket on the walk between my apartment and my car, filled with ambitions of travelling to cell phone paradise, where all the lady cell phones are slinder, shiny and sexy -- like RAZRs. Who knows?

But I do have some faint memory of placing it on top of a box of push-pins on my desk at work. I can't be sure, though, because that might have been yesterday. Or maybe the day before. That's what happens when you stare at the same monitor at the same desk in the same room for 9 hours a day: the days all mush together.

Yet when I went to leave today, my phone was nowhere to be found. I looked EVERYWHERE. I looked on my desk. I looked on my co-workers' desk. I looked on my boss's desk. I looked on the floor. Then I went out and looked in my car. I called the damn thing like 6 times, but never heard it ring. Or buzz, seeing as how I keep it in vibrate mode (shut up, Booter).

I have no eff-ing idea where my phone is.

I am my own worst enemy.


Author: Goat » Comments:

Hump Day

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

So, it's Wednesday night and I'm chillin' alone at home. I decided to make my famous spaghetti ragu sauce because I've been eating like shit since Thanksgiving (which was awesome) and even added a bottle of delicious Chianti (which just so happens to be the first wine I ever remember imbibing). I didn't want to turn on the TV because all I do all day is stare at a monitor, but I reluctantly flipped it on to find my favorite sport of all -- college basketball. UNC throughly handled the Worthless Nuts of OSU as Sloopy couldn't quite hang on. Well done, Tarheels.

I can't tell you how excited I am about basketball season. After being at the ND-USC game last Saturday in the crappiest seats I've ever paid for, I'm pretty much ready for football season to be over with. Sure, there's a bowl game coming up and it looks like the Irish might be playing here in sunny California at the Rose Bowl, but as scripture says, "To every thing there is a sesaon," and now it's basketball season. The sad thing is, I haven't even been able to really follow my favorite teams so far this year. The Irish are 4-1 last I heard, falling only to potential bracket-buster Butler, and Louisville is 1-1 after a close loss to the Dayton Flyers. I'm not sure if either team will amount to much this year, but one can sure hope. Even so, it's nice jsut to get to watch college hoops again.

Thanksgiving back in Kentucky was super-sweet and filled with old-fashioned family goodness. It started out a little rough as I came down with a sinus infection a few days before my flight to the Bluegrass. Turns out like the past three years I've come down with something (sinusitis, bronchitis, etc.) right before Thanksgiving, and all three years I've gone to the same doctor. I think next year I'm just going to eat a whole bottle of Flinstones vitamins every day the week before Thanksgiving. Then maybe I'll be well for the holiday. Or if not, I'll have rainbow-colored boot. But I digress.

Got to see Shannon, John, and the nephews, who are now 6 and 4, and 52" and 42" tall, respectively. Much to their chagrin, they were tormented with kisses from Ginger. Uncle Goat might have instigated the whole mess by wrapping up the boys so they couldn't escape their would-be koodie infector. If there's one thing young boys hate, it's kisses. Man; so naive, those boys. They'll learn better someday.

Mom made another delicious turkey with all the fixins one would expect at Thanksgiving (minus the Corn Pudding and Crescent Rolls - what's up with that?). Ginger and I gorged ourselves thoroughly - so much so that we didn't even have anything for dinner (meal was at lunch time). Ginger had made a request for the cornbread stuffing balls Mom is famous for, so Mom made like 36 of them. I think Ginger finished off the leftovers of them by Sunday night. I think that's a testament both to Mom's cooking and Ginger's eating abilities.

I also got to see Grandma and my Uncle Wayne while I was home, which was good since I hadn't seen them since the last time I was home in May. It's amazing how quickly time goes by because it seemed like it was just a month or so ago when I saw them last. Scary. Grandma is doing well, but not as well as she has been. Although, she's 88 years old (to the day, in fact!), so I'd say she's doing pretty damn good!

Now that Thanksgiving's over, I'm back in the groove at work and it doesn't seem too bad. I think the break was just what I needed. And I'm almost done with the Dark Tower series (I know, it's been forever, but I've read other books in between), so that's pretty sweet, too. It's been a pretty sweet night, too, and now I think I'm spent. Sayonara, suckers.

Author: Goat » Comments:

100th post!

Thursday, November 09, 2006

It was a long time in the making, but it's finally here... my 100th post! And now, I give you: one hundred of these things -- | -- which look like posts.

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Wow, that was awesome.

Author: Goat » Comments:

By (not-so-) popular demand

I give you the official Rashanda update. Rashanda is alive and well in an impound lot in San Diego. I only know this because the nice lady at the U.S. Customs office told me so. And that's all that I know about the situation.

I filed a petition to have the car returned to my possession and it arrived at U.S. Customs on Halloween, so now all I can do is wait and hope. If the agency in charge of my security clearance is any indication of the speed with which government offices work, it will be about 2 years and 4 resubmittals of my petition before they make a decision. And now that the libbies are in office, might as well add another year. But I'm not allowed to complain about that because I'm a terrible American and I'm not registered to vote, hence allowing the libbies to take control. But at least I'm still the nicest person Pangle knows.

Author: Goat » Comments: